Welcome to “10 Sites“ where we assemble a collection of just ten internet marketing sites to produce a list of 1,000 subscribers.
You’re in!
Thanks for subscribing to my story. It is written “almost live,” as close to actually happening as I can do in the real world.
This series of blog posts and podcasts contains all the wisdom, mistakes, upgrades, cashouts, excuses, triumphs, challenges, slams, truckloads, losses, hallelujahs, transformations, net profits, charts and graphs, pivots, discoveries, new experiences, and wonder that The Bear can deliver.
Just one more thing…
Watch for an email confirmation coming from tamebear@gmail.com or thebear@thebear-tamebear-com.oakleystudio.com — you need to click an email link to actually get your signup here all squared away. For some email services (like gmail.com — go figure) it might go into your “Junk” folder, so check for it now if you don’t find it there in your “Inbox.” And add me to your address book too so you don’t miss anything from me, Tame Bear.
That email link will bring you right back here, where I have more to say… so go get to it now. See ya in a few.
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If you missed subscribing, here’s the link: