When studied deeply, down at the subatomic level of particle physics, the material world we live in appears to be nothing more substantial than wisps of smoke. There’s hardly anything there! Everything that seems solid and hard to the touch consists mostly of space. The vast open spaces between particles is startling. Even the particles […]
In the ongoing effort to reduce his environmental impact on the planet, The Bear this week has installed a “TED-5002” on the home electrical panel. Other weblogs have described the T.E.D. installation process, so I won’t go into that here. Instead I’ll share some details about our particular grid-tied solar electric production system, and how […]
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“Oceans of Light” by Peter Oakley The new ebook, “Oceans of Light: A Users Guide to the Multiverse” by Peter Oakley is now available in the Sony eBook Store! They are offering a small discount off the already low price of $3.99 (but you can buy it for two bucks less at the Apple […]
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Thrilled! The ebook on Multiverse Theory is now available in the Apple iBook Store. “Oceans of Light: A Users Guide to the Multiverse” by Peter Oakley. Get it quick — introductory price is $1.99! for a limited time only — that’s two bucks off the regular price over at (What is the Multiverse? Grab […]
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The Pumpkinvine It’s national Bike-To-Work Week, and The Bear wonders what a work-at-home webmaster does to participate. Well for the past four days I’ve hopped on Sky, my trusty Trek of 29 years, and I’ve ridden to the end of the Pumpkinvine Nature Trail and back — a round trip of about 13 […]
“Oceans of Light” by Peter Oakley Today I am pleased to announce the publication of “Oceans of Light: A Users Guide to the Multiverse” by Peter Oakley. This first “ebook” on Multiverse Wave Theory is a short introduction in three parts… INTO THE LIGHT – Everything we perceive of the material world, including ourselves, […]
This week Apple passed 10 billion songs sold on its iTunes Store. The sale of individual songs made it possible for you and me to buy the one song we really want from an album without having to buy the entire album. Sales of individual songs precipitated the demise of the audio CD as a […]
Turning the page in an ebook reader is one way to test the realism and attention to detail the makers exacted to simulate real-world book reading. Kindle does a nice job of simulating page turns. You can just tap, which does a quick flip to the next page. You can do a slow swipe right-to-left, […]
Treesh and I went shopping for a freezer last summer. You know, one of those chest freezers you keep in the basement to store everything that won’t fit in the refrigerator freezer in the kitchen. We did a lot of canning and freezing from the garden last year and needed a place to put it […]