Been feeling quite nostalgic for Burning Man, which The Bear attended for the first time last year. Unable to go this year :( However I was VERY happy to discover there’s a live Ustream webcam feed of Burning Man 2012, direct from the playa. I’ve been watching it when I can. It’s up high on […]
How can I create more value for more people? This question is fantastic because it sharpens your focus towards both elements of the wealth equation. You can read more about the wealth equation as explained in Roger Hamilton’s Wealth Dynamics system. The elements of the formula are VALUE and LEVERAGE, so the formula is… WEALTH […]
So here’s the weird thing. When we all (about a dozen of us) went into the large department store, first thing we did was climb up to a second level high up on the walls, and began inching our way along a narrow ledge walled with cabinets. Someone up ahead was giving us a tour […]
Back in late January I received a nomination from Patrick Griffin, of, to participate in a challenge; to produce a blog post containing seven selected links from my Tame Bear Weblog. Well I finally quit procrastinating and got it done, so I can take this off my whiteboard. THE GOAL To unite bloggers (from all […]
We’re now just past the third-year mark since Tame Bear learned of Traffic Exchanges and has made them a part of his life, at varying times and degrees. So it is with great pleasure that I present my actual earnings so far this year (output from Quick Books For Mac) woo hoo. Relatively modest by […]
The Bear didn’t know about regional Burning Man events until last year, as a “virgin” burner in Black Rock City, 2011. Pleased to discover a local Great Lakes conclave, I attended the regional “Lakes of Fire” event this past weekend, and even volunteered on the “Leave No Trace” team, helping to clean up remnants of […]
The planet Pluto was “demoted” nearly six years ago to “dwarf planet 134340 Pluto”, and quite frankly it still rankles The Bear that we no longer have a planet “Pluto” anywhere in our solar system. Look at that meteor-scarred globe; it’s only about 1/3 the size of our own moon, but check out how solid […]
Hey, I like to think my own success was based on one thing only — my remarkable congeniality, or what might these days be called “social friendliness.” I type fast and I like to chat. But I have to admit I had an ace in my back pocket — that grand-daddy of social traffic web […]
I am hungry. I could eat something but that’s not gonna satisfy this hunger. It’s a hunger to know truth, and food is a distraction. Don’t worry, I’m eating ok. : ) This hunger in my stomach, I am coming to realize, is actually a hunger in my head. That’s the hunger I really need […]
See what the world is becoming.