Isn’t it interesting, corresponding with the Congressional Blockade and Government Shutdown, there is a similar suppression and shutdown of government web sites that normally disseminate government information to the public. Specifically, over at where astronomical and space news is normally ongoing; that web site is shuttered. I noticed one brief mention in story […]
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An article in the April/May 2013 issue of AARP Magazine (yes, I am old enough to be a card carrying member of AARP) talks about “Superfoods that Power You Up” and why they contribute to health and slow the processes of aging. Here is a list of the “longevity” foods: Coffee Thyme Wild Salmon Kale […]
About a month ago I discovered the 5:2 diet — 5 days per week eating normally (following my LoseIt plan), and on any two non-consecutive days of my choosing I “fast.” Fasting in this case does not mean eating nothing. Because I’m a guy, I can eat 600 calories. (For women, it’s 500 calories.) After […]
Twitter this year teamed up with Vizify to produce summaries of anyone’s Twitter feed from 2012, distilling it down to the top ten words. Here’s mine. Nothing too surprising — these are The Bear’s top ten words, with “World” leading the pack by a wide margin. (Click on the chart to read the list.) I […]
Wisdom Road: "Ask. Believe. Receive." — Tame Bear (@TameBear) December 31, 2012
Wisdom Road:… “Breathe in life, breathe out poetry.” ~Muriel Rukeyser… — Tame Bear (@TameBear) December 19, 2012
Everything has a life — a beginning, a middle, and an end. Absolutely everything. An endless ebb and flow of energy in countless forms. Each one of us is born, we live, and then we die. Every animal and plant comes into being, lives, and dies. Everything has an arc of life that opens out […]
In the following three videos, Dr. Lothar Shäfer of University of Arkansas delivers a presentation titled “Quantum Reality and the Importance of Consciousness in the Universe,” drawing a connection between our current scientific understanding of quantum physics and the role of non-dual, non-local conscious awareness. This presentation took place in Barcelos Portugal, in 2010. Shäfer begins […]
For the vast majority of Americans, their earning and purchasing power is steadily eroding, and the American Dream that drove our nation’s growth for more than a century is becoming little more than a pipe dream. Why is this happening? Former U.S. Secretary of Labor Robert Reich has an answer. On this Labor Day weekend, […]