FEEL the universe around you. Fall into the moment and let all your senses explore this now. When you’ve done that, slowly take your focus to the spot on earth where you are located, in this moment. Feel the whole earth, this amazing planet, splayed out around you. SEE how it is connected as one […]
Isn’t it interesting, corresponding with the Congressional Blockade and Government Shutdown, there is a similar suppression and shutdown of government web sites that normally disseminate government information to the public. Specifically, over at where astronomical and space news is normally ongoing; that web site is shuttered. I noticed one brief mention in story […]
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An article in the April/May 2013 issue of AARP Magazine (yes, I am old enough to be a card carrying member of AARP) talks about “Superfoods that Power You Up” and why they contribute to health and slow the processes of aging. Here is a list of the “longevity” foods: Coffee Thyme Wild Salmon Kale […]
The Bear didn’t know about regional Burning Man events until last year, as a “virgin” burner in Black Rock City, 2011. Pleased to discover a local Great Lakes conclave, I attended the regional “Lakes of Fire” event this past weekend, and even volunteered on the “Leave No Trace” team, helping to clean up remnants of […]
The planet Pluto was “demoted” nearly six years ago to “dwarf planet 134340 Pluto”, and quite frankly it still rankles The Bear that we no longer have a planet “Pluto” anywhere in our solar system. Look at that meteor-scarred globe; it’s only about 1/3 the size of our own moon, but check out how solid […]
See what the world is becoming.
It may feel strange to you if you’ve never contemplated this before (as perhaps you have not), but let’s accept for the moment that if you wish to live entirely and exclusively in the NOW, you would give up entirely any earnest memory or recollection of the past and even the vaguest imaginations of the […]
It is so amazing to me when I look back upon it, just a few short months ago, I sat in a circle with 50,000 others and watched The Man burn. My friend Lorenzo who hosts the Psychedelic Salon podcast says “…that is by far the best Temple Burn video I’ve seen … from any […]
Ok, so we all know Greece is going down, right? So the next question is, how many bankers have we among us to step up to the plate and defend the Old World from this tsunami of economic collapse? Where can you draw the line and build the wall necessary to defend your country and […]
Today Treesh and I traded in our vacation emergency car (the 2000 Chevy Suburban with it’s on-demand four-wheel drive, V8 engine, 3 passenger seats and all that cargo space) for a sporty little Smart Car. Think small – it’s more our style. Here is a picture of the two cars side-by-side… That’s the maroon-colored Suburban […]