
Tame Bear on June 5th, 2023

A cat is a way to make regular trips to a pet store. Fear is the ability to entertain possibilities that have not happened and are not real. What’s the problem unless you think about it? #nonduality What problem do you have unless you’re thinking about it? An essential idea of #nonduality – thought entertains […]

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Tame Bear on August 9th, 2017

You are two. The one on the outside who everyone sees. And the one on the inside who interprets and narrates the world you experience. Many of us focus on the ME everyone sees, training and grooming it and conforming it to the culture that surrrounds us. The true art in life happens when we focus […]

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Tame Bear on December 29th, 2016

The cat lays on my hand in my lap and stretches. When I look for my hand, the boundary between cat and hand is dissolved and in its place there is a sweet oneness or unity that binds me to the life of all animals.

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Tame Bear on July 17th, 2015

“I want to thank our negotiating partners — the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia, China, as well as the European Union — for our unity in this effort, which showed that the world can do remarkable things when we share a vision of peacefully addressing conflicts. We showed what we can do when we do […]

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Tame Bear on March 3rd, 2015

About Kundalini on Twitter; live feed… Tweets about kundalini

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Tame Bear on January 3rd, 2015

I see a little Macallan in you. A certain playfulness and charm, a bemused puzzlement, a need to stretch and shy away, a mix of sugar and salt. This is Macallan I see in you. Where you are orange, I am white. Where you are looking down, I am looking up. When the back door […]

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Tame Bear on November 15th, 2012

In the following three videos, Dr. Lothar Shäfer of University of Arkansas delivers a presentation titled “Quantum Reality and the Importance of Consciousness in the Universe,” drawing a connection between our current scientific understanding of quantum physics and the role of non-dual, non-local conscious awareness. This presentation took place in Barcelos Portugal, in 2010. Shäfer begins […]

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Tame Bear on May 7th, 2012

It may help you to begin a practice of meditation by narrowing your focus. Recall that the purpose of meditation is to transcend the apparent duality of the world by recognizing the illusion that’s placed upon our filtered perception of the world by the language and symbolic representation of the contrasting dual opposites. The mind […]

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Tame Bear on March 20th, 2012

It may feel strange to you if you’ve never contemplated this before (as perhaps you have not), but let’s accept for the moment that if you wish to live entirely and exclusively in the NOW, you would give up entirely any earnest memory or recollection of the past and even the vaguest imaginations of the […]

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Tame Bear on October 21st, 2011

It’s great to be an American. Here’s an idea I’ve had that I’d like to share with you right here in the public domain. An idea so incredibly simple a Yahoo could do it! The first company to bifurcate the world wide web into two hemispheres… THE CORPORATION PROPERTIES — and the — PERSONAL HUMAN […]

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