“Let us recall that the Villa Agrees, seat of the municipal undertaking, accomodates regularly various demonstrations related to rites of passage.” A translation, from French to English, by Yahoo Babelfish, of the Swiss language publication about an annual effige-burning rites of spring event. .
It may feel strange to you if you’ve never contemplated this before (as perhaps you have not), but let’s accept for the moment that if you wish to live entirely and exclusively in the NOW, you would give up entirely any earnest memory or recollection of the past and even the vaguest imaginations of the […] is the place where friends help friends lose weight. It’s also helped people lose some 7,766,000 lbs! and counting. The Bear started using the Lose It! app (free on iPhone and Android) earlier this month to track calories and exercise. There’s a related web site, so I created an account. My goal is to […]
The concept of creating new waves of behavior to disrupt old waves (habits) is how we surf the multiverse, and find our new selves tracking along a new path in the continuum of spacetime — everything changes! I created a daily checklist late last year, to begin a disruptive wave against some patterns (habits) in […]
It is so amazing to me when I look back upon it, just a few short months ago, I sat in a circle with 50,000 others and watched The Man burn. My friend Lorenzo who hosts the Psychedelic Salon podcast says “…that is by far the best Temple Burn video I’ve seen … from any […]
Procrastination is often caused by fears – many of which are blown out of proportion. Fears that my work won’t be good enough, that a client won’t be satisfied, that people will make fun of it or ridicule me or talk behind my back. Fears that it will be rejected or not appreciated or … […]
Making wine and laying it aside for the future expresses an essential faith and hope in the future. This week Treesh and I racked and bottled our latest batch — thirty bottles of clear red wine made from grapes we grew in our backyard. (With this batch, we finally nailed a long-standing haze/cloudiness problem, thus […]
I think that’s just a beautiful thing to share, I love you.