Hey, I like to think my own success was based on one thing only — my remarkable congeniality, or what might these days be called “social friendliness.” I type fast and I like to chat. But I have to admit I had an ace in my back pocket — that grand-daddy of social traffic web […]
It may help you to begin a practice of meditation by narrowing your focus. Recall that the purpose of meditation is to transcend the apparent duality of the world by recognizing the illusion that’s placed upon our filtered perception of the world by the language and symbolic representation of the contrasting dual opposites. The mind […]
I am hungry. I could eat something but that’s not gonna satisfy this hunger. It’s a hunger to know truth, and food is a distraction. Don’t worry, I’m eating ok. : ) This hunger in my stomach, I am coming to realize, is actually a hunger in my head. That’s the hunger I really need […]
See what the world is becoming.
It may feel strange to you if you’ve never contemplated this before (as perhaps you have not), but let’s accept for the moment that if you wish to live entirely and exclusively in the NOW, you would give up entirely any earnest memory or recollection of the past and even the vaguest imaginations of the […]
You may already know that Thumbvu is a Traffic Exchange, one that I really like alot and use for several hours every week to earn “credits” and bring more traffic to this web site. What you may not know is that the site has undergone a major redesign, and now all the active members there […] is the place where friends help friends lose weight. It’s also helped people lose some 7,766,000 lbs! and counting. The Bear started using the Lose It! app (free on iPhone and Android) earlier this month to track calories and exercise. There’s a related web site, so I created an account. My goal is to […]
The concept of creating new waves of behavior to disrupt old waves (habits) is how we surf the multiverse, and find our new selves tracking along a new path in the continuum of spacetime — everything changes! I created a daily checklist late last year, to begin a disruptive wave against some patterns (habits) in […]