Tame Bear on October 25th, 2013

When the hubbub finally settles, and all the remaining web site glitches have been ironed out, and society at large has grown tired of the dull critique from politicians on the sidelines, and the roll-out of “ObamaCare” becomes a done deal across the land, then some 33 million Americans who have not previously had access to […]

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Tame Bear on October 9th, 2013

Isn’t it interesting, corresponding with the Congressional Blockade and Government Shutdown, there is a similar suppression and shutdown of government web sites that normally disseminate government information to the public. Specifically, over at nasa.gov where astronomical and space news is normally ongoing; that web site is shuttered. I noticed one brief mention in TheDenverChannel.com story […]

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Tame Bear on August 29th, 2013

An article in the April/May 2013 issue of AARP Magazine (yes, I am old enough to be a card carrying member of AARP) talks about “Superfoods that Power You Up” and why they contribute to health and slow the processes of aging. Here is a list of the “longevity” foods: Coffee Thyme Wild Salmon Kale […]

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Tame Bear on July 1st, 2013

Vizify has done it again with another cool way to summarize your Twitter experience. This time it’s by combining details about when you post, your favorite topics, photos and followers, and a few of your top posts quoted, all in a lively animation set to catchy music, under a minute long. Click to see mine, […]

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Tame Bear on April 18th, 2013

About a month ago I discovered the 5:2 diet — 5 days per week eating normally (following my LoseIt plan), and on any two non-consecutive days of my choosing I “fast.” Fasting in this case does not mean eating nothing. Because I’m a guy, I can eat 600 calories. (For women, it’s 500 calories.) After […]

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Tame Bear on March 15th, 2013

Here’s what happens when an automated robo-call from CVS Pharmacy contacts my Google Voice phone number with voice-to-text translation:    “Yellow This is C. V. S. Pharmacy. Our records indicate that it’s time for Peter, yo Cally. Yeah to refill the prescription with us you call back later today to remove this number from a […]

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Tame Bear on February 2nd, 2013

In this reprise edition of “Tame Bear Radio,” The Bear relates a wintery tale celebrating the virtues of wool socks. And of a late-night winter walk along the river, which turned into a sorry tale of icy cold water, crackling ice, and the comforting solace of a warm fire and some wise reflection back at […]

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Tame Bear on December 31st, 2012

Twitter this year teamed up with Vizify to produce summaries of anyone’s Twitter feed from 2012, distilling it down to the top ten words. Here’s mine. Nothing too surprising — these are The Bear’s top ten words, with “World” leading the pack by a wide margin. (Click on the chart to read the list.) I […]

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Tame Bear on December 30th, 2012

Wisdom Road: http://t.co/rfaSWy5a "Ask. Believe. Receive." pic.twitter.com/0Qm8WZzt — Tame Bear (@TameBear) December 31, 2012

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Tame Bear on December 19th, 2012

Wisdom Road: wisdomroad.com/shop/buy.php?d… “Breathe in life, breathe out poetry.” ~Muriel Rukeyser twitter.com/TameBear/statu… — Tame Bear (@TameBear) December 19, 2012  

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