Tame Bear on July 24th, 2010

Help The Bear test these two banner ads. Which one is better? Click the one you like best…   A.

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Tame Bear on July 21st, 2010

When studied deeply, down at the subatomic level of particle physics, the material world we live in appears to be nothing more substantial than wisps of smoke. There’s hardly anything there! Everything that seems solid and hard to the touch consists mostly of space. The vast open spaces between particles is startling. Even the particles […]

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Saw the new summer movie (sure to be a blockbuster) “Inception” this evening at our local Linway Plaza theater. It was amazing — a movie about dreaming, that leaves you wondering what is real, and what is dream. I don’t think it’s a spoiler to say that one of the most original ideas in this […]

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Tame Bear on July 15th, 2010

In the ongoing effort to reduce his environmental impact on the planet, The Bear this week has installed a “TED-5002” on the home electrical panel. Other weblogs have described the T.E.D. installation process, so I won’t go into that here. Instead I’ll share some details about our particular grid-tied solar electric production system, and how […]

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Tame Bear on July 9th, 2010

When did we stop wondering? Wondering… what is that, how does that work, who was that, when did that happen, where did I put that, why should I do that. When did we stop wondering what, how, who, when, where, and why? This simple wondering about stuff is at the heart of what we call […]

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Tame Bear on July 3rd, 2010

  “Oceans of Light” by Peter Oakley The new ebook, “Oceans of Light: A Users Guide to the Multiverse” by Peter Oakley is now available in the Sony eBook Store! They are offering a small discount off the already low price of $3.99 (but you can buy it for two bucks less at the Apple […]

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Tame Bear on June 29th, 2010

Thrilled! The ebook on Multiverse Theory is now available in the Apple iBook Store. “Oceans of Light: A Users Guide to the Multiverse” by Peter Oakley. Get it quick — introductory price is $1.99! for a limited time only — that’s two bucks off the regular price over at Smashwords.com. (What is the Multiverse? Grab […]

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Tame Bear on May 28th, 2010

  The Pumpkinvine   It’s national Bike-To-Work Week, and The Bear wonders what a work-at-home webmaster does to participate. Well for the past four days I’ve hopped on Sky, my trusty Trek of 29 years, and I’ve ridden to the end of the Pumpkinvine Nature Trail and back — a round trip of about 13 […]

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Tame Bear on May 27th, 2010

We live in strange times. It is possible today to have a conversation “in character” with a fictional TV character, further blurring the lines between what we believe is real and what is fantasy. Lloyd Simcoe (played by actor Jack Davenport) is one of the main characters in the ABC TV series “FlashForward“, which airs […]

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Tame Bear on May 21st, 2010

THE MYSTERY DEEPENS (Who Is Tame Bear?) God knows I’m letting go Of the pain that’s deep inside God knows how hard it’s been and how I know how much I tried. As we sail on down the street In a multi-colored dream One by one together we can learn to be free. God knows […]

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