Tame Bear on February 8th, 2011

Robert Anton Wilson presents the concept of “reality tunnels” to explain how intelligence is evolving by studying itself. Here are a few key points to watch for: “Knowledge wherever it’s discovered is traveling over the whole world faster and faster.” “Yoga is the science of the East. Science is the yoga of the West.” ~John […]

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Tame Bear on January 27th, 2011

In a previous post I talked about the two essential things that Traffic Exchanges are good for: Building Your Brand and Building Your List Traffic Exchanges (TEs) are useful for bringing more traffic to any web site, of course, but what they’re really good for is building your brand identity (through repetition — others become […]

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Tame Bear on January 20th, 2011

An article this week in U.S. News titled “Why You Might Be Better Off Than You Think,” gives us plenty to be grateful for. In many ways that are easy to assess, American Life is still improving despite that dark cloud of the recent Great Recession we now see in our rear-view mirror. Here are […]

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Tame Bear on January 18th, 2011

In the summertime, The Bear buys a season pass at the Shanklin Park Pool, an outdoor swimming pool operated by our local Parks Dept. I go swimming three or four times a week, but I need to qualify what I mean by “swimming.” You see, bears don’t do your typical crawl stroke, breast stroke or […]

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Tame Bear on January 3rd, 2011

New Year’s resolutions are all about wanting to change old habits in order to form new habits. So how does this happen? We’re creatures of habit you know, with wave upon wave of repetition in our thoughts and behaviors. “Bad” habits, right? Perceived problems, in need of fixing. What’s the problem unless you think about […]

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Tame Bear on December 25th, 2010

I do not believe that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. I believe we were all born as innocent as Jesus, and have lived as good a life as we’re able, into whatever circumstances we emerged… and we are not sinners. We are spiritual beings having a human experience […]

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Tame Bear on December 22nd, 2010

You know, one of my favorite Traffic Exchanges is Traffic Ad Bar, and I use it nearly every single day to bring more visitors to my web site. Over the past few months that I have been using this mutual traffic exchange, no other source of traffic has brought me more visitors than Traffic Ad […]

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Tame Bear on December 20th, 2010

To celebrate this Christmas season, Tame Bear is pleased to present these two reprise podcasts of “TameBear Radio” from 2005 and 2006. During a “sabbatical from church,” Tame Bear finds there is still great anticipation and wonder at the baby’s birth. What is this loneliness, this longing we cannot find words to express? Perhaps what […]

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Tame Bear on December 11th, 2010

You all know me — Tame Bear — a fun-loving, philosophy-talking, techie-science-spiritualist brown bear of the Internet. Most of you are surely aware that I am not a real bear. After all, how many bears do you know that talk, that write updates on their WordPress blog, that tell life stories on their own podcast? […]

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Tame Bear on December 6th, 2010

Just believing in nonduality is similar to believing in other religions. Actually experiencing nonduality moment by moment is where it’s at. Hearing, seeing, touching, and other perceptions are happening. Experiencing these things demands a “me” to do the experiencing. Duality. To experience the sensuous being of all-that-is requires thought, applying meaning, using words. Thought, meaning, […]

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