This is a very exciting time in the life of Tame Bear. You’ll see why when you watch this video. (Watch it full-screen if you can. And if you love it, click the “Favorite” link.) I’d like to thank my family for making this day possible: Thanks Mama Bear, Papa Bear, and Sister Bear and […]
A Traffic Exchange is a web site where participating members spend time viewing each other’s web pages. “I look at your web page, you look at mine.” That’s the essential exchange which is the goal of Traffic Exchanges (TEs). There are hundreds of TE web sites and you can join most of them for free. […]
Few know it now, but we stand at the leading edge of one of the greatest cultural and spiritual renaissances the world has ever known. We have emerged from the greatest financial calamity our country has seen in nearly a hundred years. We appear to be as divisive as ever — some would say more […]
If The Bear appears to write often without making reference to God, it’s because God runs through all-that-is without ever being a separate thing. I do not wish to invoke the idea of a creator-God separated and apart from all else. This is why I see you as no less of a creator than God. You […]
Surely 9.8 million tweets can’t be wrong. Computer scientists analyzed millions of tweets from 2008, characterizing trends in “mood dimensions” with evocative names such as “Calm,” “Alert,” “Vital,” “Sure,” “Kind,” and “Happy.” The researchers found that the “Calm” index tracked well with the ups and downs of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, while preceding them […]
So a couple weeks ago, The Bear discovered Quora, and signed up. Pretty quickly, I got an email from Quora, asking if “Tame Bear” was in fact my real name… A Quora admin said: “Hello, One of the rules of Quora is that everyone uses his or her real full name. Do you mind changing […]
Everybody needs an autoresponder. Why? If you want to communicate with one person you can send an email. If you want to communicate with a group of people, you need a list. Once you have a list, you can prepare a series of messages in advance to be sent to that email list. That’s what […]
Big adventure: The Bear is going to the annual Burning Man festival out on the salt flats of the Black Rock Desert in Nevada. Here in home-town Goshen Indiana, it’s surprising how few people seem to know anything about Burning Man. Or maybe it’s not so surprising? That picture above is the city that springs […]
David Abramowitz has posted a speculation on Macintouch that The Bear thinks is just way cool… Imagine an iPad that you dock. When it’s docked, it is a fully-functional Macintosh computer. And when you rip it off the dock it’s back into iOS mode as a fully-functional iPad. How cool is that! So then the […]
What is reality? At its most fundamental level, reality is very strange. Subatomic particle physicists, theoretical quantum physicists, cosmologists, string theorists, and multiverse theory mathematicians are all working to get at the underlying truth of reality: How is all this we see around us formed from basic building blocks? What are the rules and forces […]