A cat is a way to make regular trips to a pet store.
Fear is the ability to entertain possibilities that have not happened and are not real.
What’s the problem unless you think about it? #nonduality
What problem do you have unless you’re thinking about it? An essential idea of #nonduality – thought entertains ideas that do not exist.
Nothing occurs but represents your wish. Nothing is omitted that you #choose. Here is your world, complete in every detail – your #reality.
What you think of me is none of my business. What others think of you is their thing, not yours. Worry not about what anyone else thinks.
An addiction is a habit that you’ve decided is bad, either in yourself or in others. It is simply a habit, a repeating wave of behavior.
A habit is a repeating wave of behavior. You will never stop the wave, but you can disrupt or alter the behavior by creating other waves.
Alter a repeating wave of behavior by creating other waves that interfere with it. A habit is only erased by replacing it with other habits.
Tags: addiction, habits, meditation, Philosophy